Work has been very slow going since the summer. A combination of weather, work and 'shelter' haven't helped. I bought a lump of oak for the forefoot and a curved piece with just the right grain flow for the stem. The forefoot piece was supposed to be seasoned by air drying. It is however very moist. The fact that is was so heavy that the delivery driver could not move it from the pavement where it was craned to, should have been a clue.
I have got as far as cutting it down to the basic size and shape of the original forefoot but, not being seasoned as claimed, the cracks appear. As I have a couple of days off work, I will re-appraise the timber and see whether I need to source some new timber. This was purchased from a specialist Oak timber merchant so all a bit disappointing.
Hallo Mattig,
wie geht es voran mit dem Projekt?
Ich habe selbst einen 50er in Totalrestaurierung.
Meine Internetseite hab ich allerdings auch schpn länger nicht gepflegt:
Sehe mit Sorge, dass das Boot draußensteht, ohne Zelt und so weiter.
Unbedingt und mindestens ein Zelt drüber bauen, besser in eine Halle stellen.
Ist doch auch viel zu viel Arbeit, um nur im Sommerhalbjahr bauen zu können.
Freu mich über Nachricht in meinem Gästebuch.
Hello mattig,
sorry, did the first entry in german...
How's your project going?
I've got a 50m2 myself in full restoration.
Looking at your fotos I worried about the boats condition over the years of your restoration.
It won't become better probably because of rain, snow and ice.
If the boat is still outside like it was in 2009, please put minimum a tent around with enough space to work in but also for the air to circulate.
It's important for the wood not to get dry and then wet again.
This is also destroying your work as the planking seems will open up.
I didn't care for my internet page for long time, so I hope the same is with yours.
I'd be happy to hear from you in my guestbook on my homepage.
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